Audio-Learn English through Latin

Learn English through Latin by listening to voice recording in American accent.


Liber meus est. This is my book
Libri mei sunt. These are my books
Sacculum eius est. This is his bag
Sacculum eius est. This is her bag
Calamus Mariae est. This is Mary’s pen
Haec est domus Mariae. This is the house of Mary
Psittacus est. It is a parrot
Is viridis est. It is green
Psittacus eorum est. It is their parrot
Psittacus Helenae est. It is Helen’s parrot
Ann est discipulus. Ann is a student
Didici me Sylheti. I learned Sylheti myself
Sylheti didi- cimus. We learned Sylheti ourselves
Sylheti ipse didicit. He learned Sylheti himself
Ipsa Sylheti didicit. She learned Sylheti herself
Sylheti ipsi didicerunt. They learned Sylheti themselves
Aliquid, eveniet. Something is happening
Nihil eveniunt. Nothing is happening
Unus homo potest exire. One person can go
Nemo potest exire. No one can go
Imus omnes. All are going
Alii eunt. Some are going
Quisque id tortor enim. Each one may go
Quisque potest. Everyone may go
Quod nomen tibi est? What is your name
Nomen mihi Sandeep est. My name is Sandeep
Discipulus sum. I am a student
Sit amet ipsum. He is very happy
Hi beati sunt. They are happy
Ad scholam a me bus. I go to school by bus
non sum iohannes. I am not John
Novi iohannem. I know John
Spero tibi placet. I hope you like it
dimidium eius cepit. He took half of it
Observabo magistros meos. I respect my teachers
Pecuniam non habeo. I don’t have money
Utinam magnas haberet aedes. I wish I had a big house
Hoc raedam emere assentior. I agree to buy this car
Gratias tibi. Thank you
Venisne ad Kerala? Have you been to Kerala?
Potesne mihi dicere de Kerala? Can you tell me about Kerala?
Nonne tibi placet iter ad Kerala? Did you like the trip to Kerala?
Huc post annum redii. I have come back here after an year.
Unde hinc abis? Where did you go from here?
Primum veni ad Mumbai. First I went to Mumbai
Inde Trivandrum adii. Then I went to Trivandrum
Quid facis in Mumbai? What did you do in Mumbai?
Ubi habitas in Mumbai? Where did you stay in Mumbai?
Mansi apud Andheri. I stayed in Andheri
Prandium habuistis? Have you had lunch?
Dabis mihi calamum? Will you give me a pen?
Potesne mihi calamum dare? Can you give me a pen?
Num mihi calamum dedisti? Have you given me a pen?
Nonne calamum mihi dedisti? Did you give me a pen?
Ego quasi mango. I like mango
Mango non placet. I don’t like mango
Mango manducare amo. I love to eat mango
Tu questus es huic domui redditum? Are you getting rent for this house?
Hoc mense mihi redditum habeo. I have got rent for this month
Quod bus exspectas? Which bus are you waiting for?
Num idem liber est? Is it the same book?
Obsecro te exspectare dum redeo. Please wait till I come back
Ubi est Georgius? Where is George?
Discessit Kochi. He has gone to Kochi
Quomodo Georgius? How is George
Valet. He is well.
Quid Georgius? What happed to George?
Quam multa aqua tibi opus est? How much water do you need?
comedi mango. I have eaten a mango
Ramu comedit mango. Ramu has eaten a mango
Ramu comederat mango. Ramu had eaten a mango
Ramu mango manducavit. Ramu has been eating a mango
Ramu fuerat mango manducans. Ramu had been eating a mango
Ramu mango manducabat. Ramu was eating a mango
Ramu mango comedet. Ramu will eat a mango
Ramu mango manducabit. Ramu will be eating a mango
Quid agis? How are you?
Bene sum. I am fine
Placetne illic sedere? Can you please sit there?
Quem librum quaeris? Which book are you looking for?
Ubi est schola? Where is the school?
Donec non ipsum est. It is not very far
Potesne turn reliquit? Can you turn left?
Tu dextram? Will you turn right?
Tu recta eundum est. You have to go straight.
Librum hunc emi. I bought this book
Veniesne postea? Will you come back later?
Georgius flores amat. George likes flowers
Vado in Germaniam. I am going to Germany.
Villam non facturus sum, quia aegrotus sum. I am not going to farm because I am ill.
Venient huc vesperi. They will reach here in the evening.
Fabulam legit. He is reading the story.
Hic est liber eius. This is his book.
Mane surgere? Do you get up early in the morning?
Quid temporem est? What time is it?
Unde venistis? Where are you from?
Ubi habitas? Where do you live?
Potesne me iuvare? Can you help me?
Possumne te adiuvare? Can I help you?
Quanti constat? How much does it cost?
Intellegisne? Do you understand?
Iterum dicere potes? Can you say that again?
Potesne loqui lente? Can you speak slowly
Ubi possum invenire deversorium? Where can I find a hotel?
Ita Yes
No No
Forsitan Maybe
Semper Always
numquam Never
Scilicet Of course
Non forsit. No problem
Non intellego. I don’t understand.
Nescio. I don’t know.
Paenitet, Gallice non loquor. I’m sorry, I don’t speak French.
Perii. I’m lost
Meus Gallicus malus est. My French is bad.
tessera mihi New York. I need a ticket to New York
tesseram volo. I want a ticket
Te visurum. See you later.
Cras te videre. See you tomorrow.
Quid rei est? What’s the matter
Quid fit? What’s happening?
Esurio. I’m hungry
Sitio. I’m thirsty.
Tesseram habeo. I have a ticket.
Ego oblitus. I forgot.
Macte. Congratulations
I nunc eundum. I must go now.
Abeamus. Let’s go
Optime. Very good
bonum Good
Malus Bad
Non malus. Not bad
Exire debeo. I have to go.
Vivo in Delhi I live in Delhi
Ego sum 40 annos natus. I am 40 years old.
Doleo. I’m sorry.
Ubi est cattus? Where is the cat?
Ubi sunt feles? Where are the cats ?
Hic felis est. Here is the cat.
Hic sunt feles. Here are the cats.
Ibi est. There it is.
Arbor est. There is a tree.
Arbores sunt. There are trees.
Arbor erat. There was a tree.
Arbores erant. There were trees.
Quomodo hoc Gallice dicis? How do you say it in French?
Quid est? What is that?
Nihil refert. It doesn’t matter.
Fessus sum. I’m tired
aeger sum. I’m sick
Esurio. I’m hungry
Sitio. I’m thirsty
Non curo. I don’t care.
Nolite ergo solliciti esse. Don’t worry!
Bene est. It’s alright.
Macte. Congratulations!
Te amo. I love you.
Quid novi? What’s new?
Non multum. Not much.
Quid agis? How are you?
Quid tibi nomen est? What’s your name ?
Quid nunc aperis? What time do you open?
Hic liber meus est. Here is my book.
Cras mittes? Could you send it tomorrow?
Quando bus perveniet? When will the bus arrive?
Habesne minorem? Do you have a smaller one?
Maiorem habes? Do you have a bigger one?
Placet dicere eum? Could you please call him?
Potuistine me iuvare capsam meam portare? Could you help me carry my box?
Sacculi mei sunt. These are my bags.
Quaeso claudere fenestram. Please close the window.
Obsecro, siste hic. Please stop here.
Cur tantum? Why is it so much?
Ex Germania sum. I am from Germany.
Quantum est locus? How much is the room?
Quot annos nata es? How old are you ?
XXV annos natus sum. I’m 25 years old.
Imo paulum loquor. Yes, I speak a bit.
Imo Gallice non loquor. No, I don’t speak French.
Quid agis? How do you do ?
Valeo, gratias tibi. I’m fine, thank you.
Te visurum. See you later
Quid est hoc? What does it mean?
Ex Germania sum. I’m from Germany
Da mihi calamum. Please give me a pen
Gratias tibi. Thank you
Ignosce. Excuse me
Justo uno momento. Just one minute
Quantum est tessera ad Mumbai? How much is a ticket to Mumbai?
Quo haec agmine ibimus? Where does this train go?
Hoc bus subsisto in Mumbai? Does this bus stop in Mumbai?
Cum enim Mumbai bus ad relinquo? When does the bus for Mumbai leave?
Quando hoc bus Mumbai perveniant? When will this bus arrive in Mumbai?
Quomodo ad Mumbai? How do I get to Mumbai ?
Mumbai potes indicare mihi viam? Can you tell me the way to Mumbai?
Turn reliquit. Turn left.
Dextram. Turn right.
directum. straight ahead
Habesne mansiunculas praesto? Do you have any rooms available?
In culina possum quaerere? Can I look in the kitchen?
Sit mihi aquam? May I have some water?
Unum, quaeso. One more, please.
Sumisne hoc cubiculum? Would you take this room?
Im ‘non interested. I’m not interested.
OK, capiam. OK, I’ll take it.
Possum sacculum habere? Can I have a bag?
Potest te uti telephono? Can I use your phone?
Quid est officium tuum? What is your job?
Quam longe est Mumbai? How far is Mumbai?
Hoc scribere potuisti? Could you write this down?
Quid hoc est? What is this?
Habesne quicquam vilius? Do you have anything cheaper?
Tea amo? Do you like tea?
Uter est liber optimus? Which is the best book?
Non amo feles. I don’t like cats.
Delhi ire libet. I’d like to go to Delhi
Tardius, quaeso. More slowly, please
Quid agitis? What are you doing?
Loquerisne Anglice? Do you speak English?
Estne hic aliquis qui Latine loquitur? Is there someone here who speaks English?
Indica loquor. I speak Hindi
Indica non loquor. I don’t speak Hindi.
Indica loqui non possum. I can’t speak Hindi
De Indica loquor. I speak some Hindi.
Non intelligo. I don’t understand.
Lentius loquere. Speak more slowly
Veni iterum. Come again.

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