Basic Expressions, Words and Sentences
Liber meus est. | This is my book. |
Libri mei sunt. | These are my books. |
Sacculum eius est. | This is his bag. |
Sacculum eius est. | This is her bag. |
Calamus Mariae est. | This is Mary’s pen. |
Psittacus est. | It is a parrot. |
Is viridis est. | It is green. |
Psittacus eorum est. | It is their parrot. |
Psittacus Helenae est. | It is Helen’s parrot. |
Ann est discipulus. | Ann is a student. |
Didici me Sylheti. | I learned Sylheti myself. |
Sylheti didi- cimus. | We learned Sylheti ourselves. |
Sylheti ipse didicit. | He learned Sylheti himself. |
Ipsa Sylheti didicit. | She learned Sylheti herself. |
Sylheti ipsi didicerunt. | They learned Sylheti themselves. |
Aliquid, eveniet. | Something is happening. |
Nihil eveniunt. | Nothing is happening. |
Unus homo potest exire. | One person can go. |
Nemo potest exire. | No one can go. |
Imus omnes. | All are going. |
Alii eunt. | Some are going. |
Quisque id tortor enim. | Each one may go. |
Quisque potest. | Everyone may go. |
Quod nomen tibi est? | What is your name? |
Nomen mihi Sandeep est. | My name is Sandeep. |
Discipulus sum. | I am a student. |
Sit amet ipsum. | He is very happy. |
Hi beati sunt. | They are happy. |
Ad scholam a me bus. | I go to school by bus. |
non sum iohannes. | I am not John. |
Novi iohannem. | I know John. |
Spero tibi placet. | I hope you like it. |
dimidium eius cepit. | He took half of it. |
Observabo magistros meos. | I respect my teachers. |
Pecuniam non habeo. | I don’t have money. |
Utinam magnas haberet aedes. | I wish I had a big house. |
Hoc raedam emere assentior. | I agree to buy this car. |
Gratias tibi. | Thank you. |
Venisne ad Kerala? | Have you been to Kerala? |
Potesne mihi dicere de Kerala? | Can you tell me about Kerala? |
Nonne tibi placet iter ad Kerala? | Did you like the trip to Kerala? |
Huc post annum redii. | I have come back here after an year. |
Unde hinc abis? | Where did you go from here? |
Primum veni ad Mumbai. | First I went to Mumbai. |
Inde Trivandrum adii. | Then I went to Trivandrum. |
Quid facis in Mumbai? | What did you do in Mumbai? |
Ubi habitas in Mumbai? | Where did you stay in Mumbai? |
Mansi apud Andheri. | I stayed in Andheri. |
Prandium habuistis? | Have you had lunch? |
Dabis mihi calamum? | Will you give me a pen? |
Potesne mihi calamum dare? | Can you give me a pen? |
Num mihi calamum dedisti? | Have you given me a pen? |
Nonne calamum mihi dedisti? | Did you give me a pen? |
Ego quasi mango. | I like mango. |
Mango non placet. | I don’t like mango. |
Mango manducare amo. | I love to eat mango. |
Tu questus es huic domui redditum? | Are you getting rent for this house? |
Hoc mense mihi redditum habeo. | I have got rent for this month. |
Quod bus exspectas? | Which bus are you waiting for? |
Num idem liber est? | Is it the same book? |
Obsecro te exspectare dum redeo. | Please wait till I come back. |
Ubi est Georgius? | Where is George? |
Discessit Kochi. | He has gone to Kochi. |
Quomodo Georgius? | How is George? |
Valet. | He is well. |
Quid Georgius? | What happed to George? |
Quam multa aqua tibi opus est? | How much water do you need? |
comedi mango. | I have eaten a mango. |
Ramu comedit mango. | Ramu has eaten a mango. |
Ramu comederat mango. | Ramu had eaten a mango. |
Ramu mango manducavit. | Ramu has been eating a mango. |
Ramu fuerat mango manducans. | Ramu had been eating a mango. |
Ramu mango manducabat. | Ramu was eating a mango. |
Ramu mango comedet. | Ramu will eat a mango. |
Ramu mango manducabit. | Ramu will be eating a mango. |
Quid agis? | How are you? |
Bene sum. | I am fine. |
Placetne illic sedere? | Can you please sit there? |
Quem librum quaeris? | Which book are you looking for? |
Ubi est schola? | Where is the school? |
Donec non ipsum est. | It is not very far. |
Potesne turn reliquit? | Can you turn left? |
Tu dextram? | Will you turn right? |
Tu recta eundum est. | You have to go straight. |
Librum hunc emi. | I bought this book. |
Veniesne postea? | Will you come back later? |
Georgius flores amat. | George likes flowers. |
Vado in Germaniam. | I am going to Germany. |
Villam non facturus sum, quia aegrotus sum. | I am not going to farm because I am ill. |
Venient huc vesperi. | They will reach here in the evening. |
Fabulam legit. | He is reading the story. |
Hic est liber eius. | This is his book. |
Mane surgere? | Do you get up early in the morning? |
Quid temporem est? | What time is it? |
Unde venistis? | Where are you from? |
Ubi habitas? | Where do you live? |
Potesne me iuvare? | Can you help me? |
Possumne te adiuvare? | Can I help you? |
Quanti constat? | How much does it cost? |
Intellegisne? | Do you understand? |
Iterum dicere potes? | Can you say that again? |
Potesne loqui lente? | Can you speak slowly? |
Ubi possum invenire deversorium? | Where can I find a hotel? |
Ita | Yes |
No | No |
Forsitan | Maybe |
Semper | Always |
numquam | Never |
Scilicet | Of course |
Non forsit. | No problem. |
Non intellego. | I don’t understand. |
Nescio. | I don’t know. |
Paenitet, Gallice non loquor. | I’m sorry, I don’t speak French. |
Perii. | I’m lost. |
Meus Gallicus malus est. | My French is bad. |
tessera mihi New York. | I need a ticket to New York. |
tesseram volo. | I want a ticket. |
Te visurum. | See you later. |
Cras te videre. | See you tomorrow. |
Quid rei est? | What’s the matter? |
Quid fit? | What’s happening? |
Esurio. | I’m hungry. |
Sitio. | I’m thirsty. |
Tesseram habeo. | I have a ticket. |
Ego oblitus. | I forgot. |
Macte. | Congratulations. |
I nunc eundum. | I must go now. |
Abeamus. | Let’s go. |
Optime. | Very good. |
bonum | Good |
Malus | Bad |
Non malus. | Not bad. |
Exire debeo. | I have to go. |
Vivo in Delhi | I live in Delhi |
Ego sum 40 annos natus. | I am 40 years old. |
Doleo. | I’m sorry. |
Ubi est cattus? | Where is the cat? |
Ubi sunt feles? | Where are the cats? |
Hic felis est. | Here is the cat. |
Hic sunt feles. | Here are the cats. |
Ibi est. | There it is. |
Arbor est. | There is a tree. |
Arbores sunt. | There are trees. |
Arbor erat. | There was a tree. |
Arbores erant. | There were trees. |
Quomodo hoc Gallice dicis? | How do you say it in French? |
Quid est? | What is that? |
Nihil refert. | It doesn’t matter. |
Fessus sum. | I’m tired. |
aeger sum. | I’m sick. |
Esurio. | I’m hungry. |
Sitio. | I’m thirsty. |
Non curo. | I don’t care. |
Nolite ergo solliciti esse. | Don’t worry. |
Bene est. | It’s alright. |
Macte. | Congratulations. |
Te amo. | I love you. |
Quid novi? | What’s new? |
Non multum. | Not much. |
Quid agis? | How are you? |
Quid tibi nomen est? | What’s your name? |
Quid nunc aperis? | What time do you open? |
Hic liber meus est. | Here is my book. |
Cras mittes? | Could you send it tomorrow? |
Quando bus perveniet? | When will the bus arrive? |
Habesne minorem? | Do you have a smaller one? |
Maiorem habes? | Do you have a bigger one? |
Placet dicere eum? | Could you please call him? |
Potuistine me iuvare capsam meam portare? | Could you help me carry my box? |
Sacculi mei sunt. | These are my bags. |
Quaeso claudere fenestram. | Please close the window. |
Obsecro, siste hic. | Please stop here. |
Cur tantum? | Why is it so much? |
Ex Germania sum. | I am from Germany. |
Quantum est locus? | How much is the room? |
Quot annos nata es? | How old are you? |
XXV annos natus sum. | I’m 25 years old. |
Imo paulum loquor. | Yes, I speak a bit. |
Imo Gallice non loquor. | No, I don’t speak French. |
Quid agis? | How do you do? |
Valeo, gratias tibi. | I’m fine, thank you. |
Te visurum. | See you later. |
Quid est hoc? | What does it mean? |
Ex Germania sum. | I’m from Germany. |
Da mihi calamum. | Please give me a pen. |
Gratias tibi. | Thank you. |
Ignosce. | Excuse me. |
Justo uno momento. | Just one minute. |
Quantum est tessera ad Mumbai? | How much is a ticket to Mumbai? |
Quo haec agmine ibimus? | Where does this train go? |
Hoc bus subsisto in Mumbai? | Does this bus stop in Mumbai? |
Cum enim Mumbai bus ad relinquo? | When does the bus for Mumbai leave? |
Quando hoc bus Mumbai perveniant? | When will this bus arrive in Mumbai? |
Quomodo ad Mumbai? | How do I get to Mumbai? |
Mumbai potes indicare mihi viam? | Can you tell me the way to Mumbai? |
Turn reliquit. | Turn left. |
Dextram. | Turn right. |
directum. | straight ahead. |
Habesne mansiunculas praesto? | Do you have any rooms available? |
In culina possum quaerere? | Can I look in the kitchen? |
Sit mihi aquam? | May I have some water? |
Unum, quaeso. | One more, please. |
Sumisne hoc cubiculum? | Would you take this room? |
Im ‘non interested. | I’m not interested. |
OK, capiam. | OK, I’ll take it. |
Possum sacculum habere? | Can I have a bag? |
Potest te uti telephono? | Can I use your phone? |
Quid est officium tuum? | What is your job? |
Quam longe est Mumbai? | How far is Mumbai? |
Hoc scribere potuisti? | Could you write this down? |
Quid hoc est? | What is this? |
Habesne quicquam vilius? | Do you have anything cheaper? |
Tea amo? | Do you like tea? |
Uter est liber optimus? | Which is the best book? |
Non amo feles. | I don’t like cats. |
Delhi ire libet. | I’d like to go to Delhi. |
Tardius, quaeso. | More slowly, please. |
Quid agitis? | What are you doing? |
Loquerisne Anglice? | Do you speak English? |
Estne hic aliquis qui Latine loquitur? | Is there someone here who speaks English? |
Indica loquor. | I speak Hindi. |
Indica non loquor. | I don’t speak Hindi. |
Indica loqui non possum. | I can’t speak Hindi. |
De Indica loquor. | I speak some Hindi. |
Non intelligo. | I don’t understand. |
Lentius loquere. | Speak more slowly. |
Veni iterum. | Come again. |
Improve Listening Skill in English – British Council
Improve Reading Skill in English-British Council
Improve Writing Skill in English – British Council
Improve Writing Skill in English – University of Cambridge